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 PAPUSSA Annual Report 2003

>     View full report (373 kb)


Annex 1 - Training Materials (225 kb)
Annex 2 - Examples of project correspondence (220 kb)

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PAPUSSA Progress and Planning meeting report 
14th – 15th December 2003 
National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology 
Hanoi - Vietnam

(Tip: it is better to save large files to your computer to open off-line. To do this, right mouse click on the hyperlink and select 'save target as' from the mouse menu.)

Meeting report (127 KB)
Appendix 3a (262 KB)
Appendix 3b (205 KB)
Appendix 3c (1.998 KB) >> Careful, this is large document!!!
Appendix 3d (348 KB)


Inception Meeting report

(Tip: it is better to save large files to your computer to open off-line. To do this, right mouse click on the hyperlink and select 'save target as' from the mouse menu.)

Papussa Inception Meeting Report.pdf (106 kB)

Appendix 3.pdf (45 KB)
Appendix 4.pdf (51 KB)
Appendix 5.pdf (187 KB)
Appendix 6.pdf (349 KB)
Appendix 7.pdf (22 KB)
Appendix 8.pdf (11 KB)
Appendix 9.pdf (1,54MB) Large file!
Appendix 10.pdf (1,12MB) Large file!
Appendix 11.pdf (268 KB)
Appendix 12.pdf (6 KB)

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Introduction to PAPUSSA project in Thai, Vietnamese and Khmer 

(Tip: it is better to save large files to your computer to open off-line. To do this, right mouse click on the hyperlink and select 'save target as' from the mouse menu.)

Thai (85kB)
Khmer (44kB)
Vietnamese (54kB)

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Participatory Community Assessment (PCA) Methods Workshop Report

(Tip: it is better to save large files to your computer to open off-line. To do this, right mouse click on the hyperlink and select 'save target as' from the mouse menu.)

PCA Methods Worskhop Report.pdf (100kB)

Appendix 3.1(314kB)
Appendix 3.4 (24kB)
Appendix 3.7 (83kB)
Appendix 4.2 (1.8MB) Large file!
Appendix 5 (9kB)
Appendix 3.2 (9kB)
Appendix 3.5 (52kB)
Appendix 3.8 (11kB)

Appendix 4.3 (57kB)
Appendix 6 (25kB)
Appendix 3.3 (29kB)
Appendix 3.6 (26kB)
Appendix 4.1 (64kB)
Appendix 4.4 (8kB)
Appendix 7 and 8 (479kB)


Posters in English                                                                    Posters in Vietnamese
PCA Poster (7978 KB)                                               PCA Poster (7178 KB)
Market Poster (8140 KB)                                           Market Poster (8211 KB)    
Institutions Poster (6585 KB)                                     Institutions Poster (4943 KB)

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