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Notice Board

This notice board contains information on activities of the PAPUSSA project and partners. To publish other aquaculture news and activities, feel free to use the PAPUSSA Forum.

Current Messages:

Hands on TV video documentary
"Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh enjoys a beautiful setting on the Mekong. The river provides both transport and income for the city’s one million population. Now another, unlikely, stretch of water - Beung Cheung Ek Lake– which receives 80% of the city’s sewage - is offering economic opportunities for three and a half thousand families through the cultivation of the edible aquatic plant - Morning Glory - which is widely consumed by the city's expanding population.This video was produced in conjunction with the Papussa project and DFID (Dept for International Development UK).
View here...

Are entrepreneurs made or born???
This is the main question in the new article Are entrepreneurs made or born? - Emerging systems for aquatic vegetable production in Asia, from David Little. You can find the article on the Publications page under Articles > Project staff articles or read the article here...

Messages 2005:

Feeding cities - Dong My, a peri-urban community in Hanoi, Vietnam, involved in the cultivation of fish
Published 16 December 2005

By Nguyen Thi Hanh Tien and William Leschen. Previously published in the Institute Of Aquaculture publication Aquaculture News. Read on...

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Workshop on Peri-urban Aquatic Production and Improvement of the Livelihoods of the urban poor in SE Asia
Published 16 December 2005

A 2 day Workshop on Peri-urban Aquatic Production and Improvement of the Livelihoods of the urban poor in SE Asia was held between 22-23rd November 2005 in Dhaka Bangladesh. A wide range of stakeholders attended from Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia with the main objective of the workshop being to set up a Platform for communication and information exchange towards the sustainable development of peri-urban aquaculture in the region. Read on...

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DVD : A Hidden Harvest – Growing Aquatic Plants in 4 SE Asian Cities
Published 16 December 2005

The Papussa project has produced this 25 minute video which describes the considerable impact, value and importance of growing edible aquatic plants in the 4 Papussa study cities. Read on...

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Case Study Cambodia
Published 23 November 2005

A case study with the title "Skin Problems of a farmer engaged in Water Morning Glory cultivation in Beoung Cheung Ek Lake, Phnom Penh, Cambodia" was publiash on the publications page. Authors are Sok Seyha (from the Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia) and Vuong Tuan Anh (from the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Hanoi, Vietnam).

"Beoung Cheng Ek Lake is a large water body of 3403 hectares located 5 kilometers south from the centre of Phnom Penh city. As a lake it receives 80% of the waste/sewage water from the city. People, who are living around the lake, mostly produce several types of aquatic vegetable, particularly morning glory (Ipomooea aquatica) and water mimosa (Neptunia oleracea). This lake is very important for the livelihoods of the local communities through activities such as aquatic vegetable growing and fishing. However, working daily in contact with wastewater in the lake, people, particularly aquatic vegetable growers are often affected by health problems, for instance wastewater related skin conditions which often occur in the end of hot dry season and at the beginning of rainy season (April to June) (PAPUSSA SOS report, 2002)." Read on...

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Special Edition Urban Agriculture Magazine
Published 1 September 2005

A special Peri-urban Aquaculture edition of the Urban Agriculture magazine is now available for viewing on this website. It contains articles from each of the 4 SE Asian Papussa cities as well as related articles from other partners including the University of Durham, and the Royal Veterinary University (KVL) Copenhagen. There are also other articles on peri-urban aquatic systems from India, Africa and South America.
View under Publications > Articles > Urban Agriculture Magazine.

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Policy Briefs
Publised 18 May 2005

Following collaboration between Stirling MSC Aquaculture and MSc Sustainable Development students with the 4 Papussa city staff teams a Policy Brief for each city was produced which summarised the main issues relating to the importance, impact and future sustainability of aquatic production systems – (fish and edible aquatic plants) in the 4 cities. By working together over a three week period over the internet and through a web CT link the students and city staff teams gained much knowledge and insights not just into fish and aquatic plant cultivation in these cities but also in how to work together and communicate (over distance) as a team and in the end successfully produce valid outputs ie Policy Brief documents.

The final versions of the Policy Briefs were sent to Marielle Dubeling of ETC Netherlands (one of Papussa’s co partners) in order to judge the best Policy Brief as regards to content, impact, overall presentation, message given, readability, clarity, relevance to target stakeholders – in this case senior urban policy policy planners. This was not an easy task as she commented on the high overall standard particularly as for most of the contributors this was their first attempt at formulating a Policy Brief. However in the end after much thought she judged the Bangkok Policy Brief to be the overall best. Congratulations to the Bangkok team and they will be awarded a (mystery?) publication (book) for their efforts.

Each of these Policy Briefs will now be used and modified by ETC Netherlands in order to produce Policy Briefs which will be published and disseminated later in the year. We are now into the third year of the Papussa project which is very much the time for beginning to engage with and disseminate our project findings to a wide variety of stakeholders.

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Messages 2004:

The 7th Asian Fisheries Forum
Penang, Malaysia
29 November - 3 December 2004

This year the Papussa Project has a Special Peri-urban Aquatic Production Session at the 7th Asian Fisheries Forum in Penang on Friday 3rd December (please note new date). Papers will be presented to the Forum by a number of the Papussa partners relating to the interdisciplinary research carried out within the first year of the Project, with themes such as production systems, marketing, health issues, institutional analysis, social and policy planning issues addressed. There will also be other papers presented on the peri-urban theme from outside related projects. For those of you attending the Forum we would welcome you to our session and look forward to your contribution and debate.

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The development of Bang B village
New article on Papussa Publications page
Section: Project Staff Articles

A new section has been created on the Papussa website on the Publications page. In this section you will find articles published by Papussa project staff. 

The first article to be published is a publication from Nguyen Thi Dieu Phuong from the Research Institute for Aquaculture No.1, Vietnam. 

The development of Bang B village - one of the major areas of aquatic vegetable production in Peri-urban Hanoi

Click here to download [PDF 192 KB]. 

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Messages 2003:

State of the Systems (SOS) Workshop
NIHE, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2003

Professor Phung Dac Cam has kindly invited the project team to NIHE, Hanoi, toward the end of the year where partners will present the final outcomes of the Situation Analysis.

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Developing Health and Hygiene Protocols

Representatives from KVL and NIHE will travel to Cambodia and Thailand to assess the capacity of local institutions to undertake health and hygiene monitoring, and depending on facilities identified appropriate protocols will be developed.

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Situation Analysis fieldwork
April - September 2003

Having developed some common research protocols a timetable was agreed for activities that constitute the Situation Analysis. From April to May partners will concentrate on carrying out the Institutional Analysis; during June and July further development and refinement of the PCA methodology will be carried out, and from July to September fieldwork undertaken.

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Methods Workshop
Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
31st March - 4th April, 2003

Considering the planned use of participatory approaches in future activities it was agreed at the Inception Meeting that a workshop on selecting the most appropriate methods would be useful, to enable partners to present their experiences of participatory approaches and to develop a common approach. The suite of tools developed will be used to conduct a Participatory Community Appraisal (PCA).

The workshop also provided an opportunity for partners to provide an update on their characterisation of production systems around their cities.

The Methods Workshop report can be downloaded from the publications section.

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Project Inception Meeting
University of Agriculture and Forestry, Viet Nam
[ 20th - 22nd February, 2003 ]

The inception meeting, hosted by Dr Le Than Hung at UAF provided an excellent opportunity for partners to meet, some for the first time, and to discus and plan forthcoming project activities. Partners from each project site (Ho Chi Minh City & Hanoi, Viet Nam; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Bangkok, Thailand) outlined existing knowledge on:

  • types and location of peri-urban farming activities,
  • past research and development activity concerning these practices,
  • reports, publications and other resources available for consultation,
  • communities engaged in peri-urban farming for inclusion in the project.

Subsequent activities focused on better defining the nature of aquatic food production around each of the cities and developing a checklist to guide interviews with key informants to collect information on the relative importance of different production strategies. The meeting was followed by a field trip to visit farms close to Ho Chi Minh City.

The Project Inception Meeting report can be downloaded from the publications section.

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